Welcome to... DA Beast Squad

Look Down Below 4 Cool Pics

Friday, October 1, 2010

beast diction-ary anew website commin soon....


Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Site

New Site! Getting Started On the Road to Being a Beast newbeasts.blogspot.com

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just 4 Kicks Chevy Corvette SMART CAR!!!

5 Beastly Cars

1. 2011 Corvette
2. 2011 Ford Mustang Convertible
3. Slug Bug I mean come on how can you have a list of cool cars and not have a slug bug?
4. Ferrari
5. Lamberghini
(pic of Lamberghini)
-Jake =) and CURTIs

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

God Rules all Beasts!!!!!!

Chuck Norris Jokes

1. You want a list of Chuck Norris' enemies check the extinct species lit
2. Chuck Norris has only sky dived one... the world doesn't need another grand canyon
3. When Chuck Norris was denied a Bacon McMuffin at McDonalds because it was 10:35, he roundhouse kicked the store so hard it became a KFC.
4. Although it is not common knowledge, there are actually three sides to the Force: the light side, the dark side, and Chuck Norris.
5. The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out. It failed misserably.
6. Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.
7. Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
8 Since 1940, the year Chuck Norris was born, roundhouse kick related deaths have increased 13,000 percent.
8. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
9. Chuck Norris does not use spell check. If he happens to misspell a word, Oxford will simply change the actual spelling of it.
10. Chuck Norris doesn't dive into the ocean, the ocean dives into Chuck Norris.

-Jake =)

Tim Hawkns On Moms LOL =)



Check This Out!

(or click the youtube.com thing @ the bottom then type in This Ain't Nothing)
-Jake =)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Check Below 4 Cool PIXERS


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

God Rules All Beasts!


Top 10 Beastliest Actors

1. Chuck Norris
2. Jackie Chan
3. Johnny Depp
4. Harrison Ford
5. Mark Hammel (Luke Skywaker)
6. Orlando Bloom
7.Linardo Dicabrio
8. Shia Buff
9. Ralph Macchio (Karate Kid)
10. Will Smith

- Jake and CURTIs
P.S. If one of these actors is one of your favorites you are a beast. Let us know by commenting
Buttered Oreos, the official food of the beast squad

Be Beastly Dudes! -CUR :) TIS

Members of The Beast Orginization

Chairman of the board- Jake and Curtis
President- Bradley P.
Vice Prez- Nick B.
Beastly Agent- Josh .M (AKA Joshua)
Other Beastly Agent-Chase .M
Diss Master- Joey V.
Buttered oreo chef- Zach .M
Buttered Oreo sous (soo) chef- Open 4 applications

There ya have it
-Jake and CURTIs
P.S. Apply by Commenting =)
Nike is the official brand of the Beast Squad

Jakes' top 10 Beastly Stuff

1. God
2. TV
3. Wakeboarding
4. Basketball
5. Golf
6. Baseball (yes I like sports)
7.My ESV bible
8. Music
9. The Beast orginization
10. You Tube

-Jake the Beast
Curtis' Top 10 Beastly stuff

1. The Father the Son and The Holy Spirit
2. Video Games
3. Basketball
4. Television
5. The word "Dude"
6. Starwars
7. Rock 'n' role
8. Fridays
9. stuff that stars with the letter C (Curtis)
10. Rap/HipHop

What Farted And Died?!? :0 -Curtis

Top 10 Beastly Songs

1. Monster- Skillet
2. Avalanche- Manafest
3. Check Yes Juliet- We The Kings
4. One Shot- Newsboys
5. Lucy- Skillet
6. Funky Jesus Music and Hey Devil- Tobymac
7. Love My Lips- Larry The Cucumber
8. Life's a Highway- Rascal Flatts
9. This Aint Nothin'- Craig Morgan
10. Fireproof- Pillar

-Jake and CURTIs
P.S. If one of these songs is one of your favorites you are a beast. Let us know by commenting =)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Top 10 Movies

1. Star Wars 2
2. Lord of The Rings 3
3. Pirates of The Carribean 2
4. Toy Story 3
5. Ice Age (1)
6. Iron Man (1)
7. Facing the Giants
8. Fireproof
9. Blindside
10. Karate Kid (original)
-Jake and CURTIs
P.S. If one these movies is one of your favorite movies (not as of now) you are a beast. Let us know by commenting =)

Top 10 Names

1. Xavier
2. Lebron
3. Anything but Kobe Bryant
4. Larry
5. Eric
6. Ralph
7. Zydrunas
8. Jackie Chan
9. Budee (i know its wrong)
10. Patrick

-Jake and CURTIs

P.S. anybody with these names is a beast. let us know if u do have 1 of these names by commenting =)